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Сьпіс навукоўцаў і філёзафаў-хрысьціянаў

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навукоўцаў і філёзафаў-хрысьціянаў

Сьпіс навукоўцаў і філёзафаў хрысьціянаў.

  1. ^ A Mirror for Every Age: The Reputation of Roger Bacon (анг.)
  2. ^ William of Ockham (Occam, c. 1280—c. 1349) (анг.)
  3. ^ Nicolaus Copernicus (анг.)
  4. ^ www.newadvent.org (анг.)
  5. ^ Nicolaus Copernicus Biography (анг.)
  6. ^ Life and Times of Tycho Brahe (анг.)
  7. ^ The Lord of Uraniborg: A Biography of Tycho Brahe (анг.)
  8. ^ "CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Galileo Galilei" (анг.)
  9. ^ Galileo Galilei, Scriptural Exegete, and the Church of Rome, Advocate of Science (анг.)
  10. ^ The Heavens and the Scriptures in the Eyes of Johannes Kepler (анг.)
  11. ^ Johannes Kepler: His Life, His Laws and Times (анг.)
  12. ^ Johannes Kepler german astronomer (анг.)
  13. ^ Gassendi (Gassend),Pierre (анг.)
  14. ^ www.newadvent.org (анг.)
  15. ^ French philosopher and scientist (анг.)
  16. ^ The Boyle Lecture (анг.)
  17. ^ The Religious Affiliation of Robert Boyle the father of modern chemistry (анг.)
  18. ^ Wallis John (анг.)
  19. ^ Leibniz Biography (анг.)
  20. ^ Isaac Newton on Religion (анг.)
  21. ^ The Project Gutenberg (анг.)
  22. ^ The Religious Affiliation of Influential Scientist Isaac Newton (анг.)
  23. ^ Isaac Newton's Life (анг.)
  24. ^ Carl Linnaeus (анг.)
  25. ^ Faith in the Bible and Creation
  26. ^ Evolusjonsteoriens spede begynnelse
  27. ^ Mathematics and the Divine: A Historical Study (анг.)
  28. ^ Grimaux, Edouard. Lavoisier 1743-1794. (Paris, 1888; 2nd ed., 1896; 3rd ed., 1899), page 53
  29. ^ in Catholic Encyclopedia (анг.)
  30. ^ Maria Gaetana Agnesi: Mathematics and the Making of the Catholic Enlightenment (анг.)
  31. ^ Scientists of Faith (анг.)
  32. ^ Michael Faraday: Scientist and Nonconformist (анг.)
  33. ^ In the biography by Cambell (p. 170) Maxwell's conversion is described: "He referred to it long afterwards as having given him a new perception of the Love of God. One of his strongest convictions thenceforward was that 'Love abideth, though Knowledge vanish away.'"
  34. ^ Page:Passages from the Life of a Philosopher
  35. ^ https://archive.org/stream/passagesfromlif00babbgoog#page/n408/mode/2up Passages from the life of a philosopher]
  36. ^ George Gabriel Stokes Lucasian Professor of Mathematics,Cambridge (анг.)
  37. ^ http://www.aps.org/ (анг.)
  38. ^ Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker: Major Texts on Religion (анг.)