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Удзельнік з 10 рэдагаваньнямі. Уліковы запіс створаны 13 чэрвеня 2016.
17 чэрвеня 2017
- 20:2020:20, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Руігі (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Ruyigi.png → File:Burundi Ruyigi (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image p...
- 20:2020:20, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Рутана (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Rutana.png → File:Burundi Rutana (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image p...
- 20:1720:17, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Нгазі (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Ngozi.png → File:Burundi Ngozi (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image par...
- 20:1720:17, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Мваро (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Mwaro.png → File:Burundi Mwaro (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image par...
- 20:1720:17, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Мурамвія (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Muramvya.png → File:Burundi Muramvya (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the ima...
- 20:1620:16, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Макамба (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Makamba.png → File:Burundi Makamba (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image...
- 20:1620:16, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Кірундо (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Kirundo.png → File:Burundi Kirundo (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image...
- 20:1620:16, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Каянза (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Kayanza.png → File:Burundi Kayanza (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image...
- 20:1620:16, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Карузі (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Karuzi.png → File:Burundi Karuzi (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image p...
- 20:1620:16, 17 чэрвеня 2017 розьн гіст +14 д Жытэга (правінцыя) (GR) File renamed: File:Burundi Gitega.png → File:Burundi Gitega (before 2015).png File renaming criterion #2: To change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes what the image p...